Our Story

“You carry a forest inside you.
It is a mirror within of the great forests of the world.”

— M. Amos Clifford

Conversations with Forest

Conversations with Forest is a soul-led venture that provides tools and resources to help women better connect to their bodies and the Earth. We use ceremony and ritual, nature and art, and reflection and observation as tools to strengthen ones connection with their own body and the Earth. 

Our Mission:

To empower women to cultivate deeper connection to themselves, each other and the Earth through powerful nature and art-based programming.

Our Values:

Connection - We believe that reconnecting to the Earth has the capacity to heal the human spirit

Creativity - We believe that each of us has a unique set of creative gifts that needs to be shared with the  world

Wild - We believe that by re-wilding our spirits we will simultaneously re-wild the Earth

Wisdom - We believe that our wisdom resides within us, in our womb, and once accessed will guide us home

Femininity - We believe in a bright future where we honour the feminine energy that exists within each of us


My name is Laurel, the dreamer and creator behind Conversations with Forest.

I would describe myself as a creative and creator, a dreamer and initiator, a lover of flowers, a talker to trees and I am happiest in community and in wild spaces.

Through spending long periods of time alone in nature, I have found that the natural world is constantly gifting me messages that I use as inspiration for my visual art and community and social practice. From these experiences, I quiet my rational brain in order to connect with my intuitive self and release my soul onto paper through pencil and brush.

My creations from these experiences document how nature has the capacity to heal the human spirit. My objective as an artist and facilitator is to transmit these learnings through my art and community programming and use them as therapeutic tools to nurture connections between people and the planet.